This is truly, truly outrageous


My main character Mabel dresses up for Halloween in 1986 as Jem. It was an 80’s cartoon that I never watched. I was always more partial to Spiderman or Rocket Robin Hood. However, I didn’t think Mabel would care for those characters. Also, I made Jem and the Holograms the favourite cartoon of her 8 year old son Fred (a sensitive soul) and she wore the costume for him. For those of you who were fans of this cartoon (or have no idea who Jem is), check out this youtube link for the theme song.

The cartoon Jem has a truly, truly outrageous bio. Essentially, Jem was a record company owner bequeathed a magic “synthesizer” by her father after his death. This synthesizer was actually a really bad ass holographic computer who gave her the power to project holograms from her earrings. Of course, with these holograms, she not only fought off evil bands, called the Misfits and Stingers, but also rocked out her concerts with them (of course). Jem and the evil bands fought over stuff, not sure what really, and they played a lot of really bad 80s music.

If this isn’t the 80’s, I don’t know what is. Classic. For the fans of Jem, I hope you love the reference in the book. For those of you who didn’t grow up with 80s cartoons, take a look at Youtube and see what we watched — Spiderman in the 5th Dimension was pretty rad too.


Caught in a Nostalgia Loop


The 80s are calling